Forget about the traffic jams! In Sydänsuomi we have these things called ice roads. They shorten distances and strengthen freedom of mind. Come and experience!

In Sydänsuomi we live in an excellent environment when it comes to communications, too. Some may think that transportation is not the benefit of the countryside, but we would like to point this wrong.
Highway 4 or Nelostie is a highway leading across Finland from Helsinki to Utsjoki via Lahti, Jyväskylä, Oulu and Rovaniemi. The road is one of the most important main road connections between Southern and Northern Finland. The length of the road is 1,295 kilometers and it is the longest highway in Finland. Highway 4 which is also known as European road E75 is the main vein of logistics crossing our beautiful Sydänsuomi.
Some might think that during wintertime the driving conditions get extreme and it gets almost impossible to get anywhere by car. Well, in that case you might want to try snowshoeing or skiing to work.
Some of us have the luxury to use ice roads during the winter. This is what our ice road correspondent, Kirsi Niskanen, from the village of Suovanlahti in Viitasaari reports us.
“Today I was asked, why do I drive on the frozen lake, how much the iceroad short cut speeds up my commute, and what emotions does driving on iceroad evoke.
1. Why, well because it is convenient.
2. It speeds up my commute minimum of 20 minutes.
3. Feelings fluctuate according to weather, how late I am, and how many other vehicles there are on the road at the same time. Anxiety if the weather is warm and there is a lot of water on the road. If leaving home gets delayed I feel grateful for those people who take time to maintain the ice road to help me reach the destination in time. If there’s a lot of traffic on the ice at the same time it gives me jitters and feeling of unease. If and when I see waves on the shore, that’s the end of using the ice road shortcut for me. Hopefully that day will not come soon.”
During no-ice season Kirsi drives from Suovanlahti to Viitasaari and the distance is 35 kilometres. During the iceroad season, she has 15 kilometres to drive on an ordinary road and 3,1 kilometres to drive on exotic and exciting ice road.
Take a look at the views! If You want to experience the every day exoticness we have to offer, you may drive to ice from the city centre of Viitasaari. The ice road begins next to the service station ABC, which doesn’t go unnoticed if you drive by Viitasaari. Take notice, that speeding is extremely dangerous on ice and make sure to maintain a distance to fellow drivers. If You can see any!
If driving on ice by car sounds too hazardous, you may want to start by bicycle. Tour of iceroads gives you a great view of our beautiful, wintery landscapes!