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Tired of living cramped and overpriced?

In the heart of Finland, the size of a plot corresponds to half of a city block, but the price of a house is not half that of a city. In the heart of Finland, the doors and wheels of a house may remain unlocked, and the neighbour is not feared, but helped. In the heart of Finland, children can travel to school without worries, and commuters have their eyes resting on the surrounding nature. In the heart of Finland, people also spend a lot of time in holiday homes, and multi-location life succeeds well thanks to our optical fibre network. 

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All roads lead to Sydänsuomi!

Forget about the traffic jams! In Sydänsuomi we have these things called ice roads. They

International students fell in love with Kyyjärvi’s employers

In recent months, international students pursuing higher education degrees in Jyväskylä have shown a wide

Find up-to-date information on major projects in your area

Major projects in the Sydänsuomessa area and the Kaustinen region are conveniently displayed on a map and in articles.

Regional Office for Networking and Innovations